coral bleaching

美 [ˈkɔːrəl ˈbliːtʃɪŋ]英 [ˈkɒrəl ˈbliːtʃɪŋ]
  • 网络珊瑚漂白;珊瑚白化
coral bleachingcoral bleaching
  1. Warming waters are known to contribute to coral bleaching and they take up more space than cooler waters , raising sea levels .


  2. Abnormal high Sea surface temperature ( SST ) is the key factor causing coral bleaching .


  3. Coral bleaching is caused by rising water temperatures resulting from two natural warm currents .


  4. There 's coral bleaching due to the hot temperatures induced by human-caused climate change .


  5. Turns out that a 2008 study by Italian scientists found that UV filters in sunscreens causes coral bleaching .


  6. The report said more should be done to protect the reef , which has been hit by recent mass coral bleaching events .


  7. The Seychelles have fallen victim to one of the most brutal incidences of coral bleaching worldwide .


  8. Remote sensing technology can provide SST and ocean color data with large coverage in both space and time , and SST data can be applied in monitoring and forecasting coral bleaching .


  9. Australia has justexperienced its warmest year on record and abnormallyhigh sea temperatures during this summer have causedmassive coral bleaching in the Keppel island group .


  10. Now , we 've talked in depth about coral bleaching , or whitening , which as you recall , is a symptom of ... well , that the coral is suffering .


  11. Water temperatures , sea levels , acidity and coral bleaching are rising so fast that hundreds of millions of people will be at risk within decades unless drastic action is taken promptly , scientists at the first global conference on oceans and Climate Change concluded .


  12. NOAA this year announced that the world was in the midst of only the third global coral bleaching event ever recorded . Severe bleaching can lead to the death of reefs , and the loss of habitat for marine life and shoreline protection from storms .


  13. Recent development in coral reef bleaching research


  14. Evidences show that high sea surface temperature ( SST ) have close relationship with coral reef bleaching .


  15. Warning from Coral Reef Bleaching


  16. See , when coral reefs experience bleaching , it 's rarely a case of the whole reef being affected .


  17. And there 's another technique that 's been experimented with to try to help coral reefs recover from bleaching .


  18. When stressed by such things as temperature change or pollution , coral polyps will evict their colorful algae boarders , which can lead to coral bleaching and death .


  19. Once ready , the researchers plan to transplant the coral into Hawaii 's Kaneohe Bay , which has lost an estimated 60 percent to 80 percent of its coral to bleaching this year .
